Impressions from ADM 2016 (Vail, Colorado)
"The third ADM forum crossed the Atlantic and assembled an international group of tourism professionals and researchers from June 17–19, 2016 in Vail, Colorado.. [...] From an attitude perspective, discussions in 2016 continued to reflect the previous (self-) critical attitude toward the present state of
research and practice in destination management and marketing. Moreover, the underlying drivers (i.e. increased competition, complex and diverse business context and diminishing finances for many traditional destination actors) remained unchallenged. The same is true for the shared concern about producing rigorous research that results in workable advice for the practice of destination marketing and management across all presented topical domains." (Reinhold, Laesser, & Beritelli, 2017, JDMM)
Images: (c) 2016 by Samuel Heer, IMP-HSG